
vampire knight[chapter 25]

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Both you and Zero jumped out of the way before the icicles could hit you as they slammed into the ground but that was not the end of them as more was shot towards you and Zero. You and Zero looked at each other and as if you read one of anothers thoughts you both nodded your heads and jumped towards the icicles to get through them to attack Satania. You slashed at the icicles with your sword and then Zero jumped over from behind you and shot his gun at Satania having a bullet of the gun hit her right in the middle of her chest. Satania scaremd and fell to the ground hard on her back as blood poured from her chest. You and Zero landed on the ground and walked towards Satania but you soon jumped back as icicles was thrown at you. To yours and Zero's suprise Satania stood up and placed her hand on her chest as she removed the bullet from it and dropped it to the ground as the wound she had closed up. "That really hurt you know, I think its time I pay back the favor heh.'' Satania raised both her hands and more then over hundreds of icicles appeared in front of her as she shot them towards you and Zero. You and Zero dodged as many as you could and even destroyed some of them with your weapons but it was still no use since more was still coming. You soon heard Zero cry out in pain and turned to see him fall to the ground on his knees as a icicle hit him right on his right shoulder and one right through his left leg as he had some cuts on him as well as a cut right across his left cheek. Seeing Zero hurt made  your heart feel pain as if thorns was poking at it. Satania laughed from seeing Zero getting hurt. "I might as well finish you off hunter since your not the one I came to play with.'' Zero glared at Satania and shot his gun at her quite a few times but no matter how many times he shot her she did not die as she just removed the bullets from her body and her wounds healed. "Once I kill you, im going to drink every last bit of your blood out of your body.'' Satania said as she licked her lips while she stared at Zero as the puplis in her eyes became slits. "Like hell you are!!!'' You shouted as you ran towards Satania with your sword raised. Satania smirked and dodged your attack as she ran towards Zero as her finger nails on her left side grew very long and sharp. Seeing Zero about ready to be attacked by Satania made your heart beat fast as fear went through you as your eyes became wide. "Kiryu!!!'' You shouted. Zero tried to get up but could not move from the wounds he had as well as the blood he was losing. He braced him self ready to be killed by the vampire in front of him but both to his and Satania's suprise, as she was about to stab Zero in the chest with her long fingernails, Satania's hand was chopped off as she screamed in pain as blood poured out. Something silver caught your eye and you saw it flying around till someone caught it with their hand and that someone was Raven. He was holding what looked like a silver knife but it was in the shape of a boomerang. When Satania saw Raven her eyes went wide, it looked as if she knew who Raven was. Before she could say anything, Raven narrowed his eyes and throw his weapon at Satania cutting her head off from her neck as it hit the ground and blood poured every where as her body hit the ground as well and within minutes her body turned to dust. Raven's weapon came back to him and he put it away as he walked up to you and Zero as all the ice that was wrapped around the buildings on the streets and people disolved and while the people was looking around not understanding how they got wet, you with the help of Raven as he picked up Zero went back to the school as Raven sat behind you while still holding Zero as you got on your bike and rode it back to the school. Once you got there you went to the headmaster and asked him to help Zero and much to your dismay Kaname happened to be there tallking to the headmaster when you came into the room. The headmaster brought Zero to Zero's room and tended to his wounds there as you stood outside with Raven and Kaname. As Raven and Kaname was leaning against the wall of the hall, you were pacing back and forth with your arms crossed over your chest and your head down. Kaname eyes watched you till he finally spoke. "There is no need for you to worry so much Yuzuki, Kiryu is going to be fine.'' You stopped pacing and  narrowed your eyes at Kaname. "Dont talk to me Kuran.'' "She still dont like you I see.'' Raven said. You looked at Raven with your eyes still being narrowed. "Mind explaining to me what it was that I saw back there Raven.'' "Its no big deal Lydia, I sensed trouble to where you might have been and came to find you where I saw you and Zero fighting that vampire so I stepped in and helped out, if your worried about me leaving your sister with Aido you dont have to be since Yuki is with her, I know you saw us since I saw you and Zero through the window you were looking out of.'' "That isnt it at all, did you really think I wouldnt have noticed Raven, you and that vampire woman looked like you two knew each other but before she could say anything you killed her.'' Raven didnt say nothing he just turned his head away from you. Before you could press Raven into telling you how he knew that vampire, the headmaster came out of Zero's room and said that Zero would be fine. Relief washed over you and with out saying a word to anyone you walked into Zero's room and shut the door. Knowing that you were still worried about Zero, the headmaster didnt go in after you, instead he looked at Raven as Kaname was doing the samething. "MInd telling me what happaned Raven.'' Knowing that he could not leave with out telling the headmaster what happened, he told him and before the headmaster could ask more Raven left. "Raven seemed to have known who that vampire was, at least thats what Yuzuki thinks.'' Kaname said to the headmaster. "Is that right, since I only know half of the story when Raven showed up I will have to ask Lydia and Zero the events that led up to it but I will wait until tomorrow since I can tell that Lydia as well as Zero wants to be alone with one another.'' The headmaster looked towards the door of Zero's room. "Those two have grown quite close over the past few months and having them become vampire hunter partners made them grow closer, I know that Zero cares a great deal about Lydia that is more then them just being friends and partners and I belive that Lydia feels that samething, I wasnt sure at first until I saw how worried she looked as she begged me to help Zero.'' Kaname dont know why but when he heard the headmaster say that you could have feelings for Zero, his heart skipped a beat as his chest studdenly felt tight. "Kaname is something wrong, your awefully quiet.'' Kaname shook his head. "Its nothing headmaster, im going to go talk to Raven and see if I can get him to tell me anything about that vampire, I can tell that hes hiding something and I plan on finding out what it is.'' "Very well if you can find anything out let me know.'' Kaname nodded his head and with one last look at Zero's door as Kaname thought of you, he left the hall way as did the headmaster.
© 2015 - 2024 mariko85
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